Financial Services
​Equity growth funding
We are a Greek owned, Cyprian based company established in Nicosia, Cyprus since 2009. We are currently operating three business units: marine, commodity trade, and financial services. K. S. Yacht Marine Instruments Limited operating under its commercial name K. S. Financial Ltd provides a range of paragon financial services and facilities in project funding.
In the financial sector our directors and associates are active since 1989. We are not brokers in any chain. We are directly associated to some of the very few licensed and authorized top tier trade platform channels and to reputed monetizing faculties in most of the world prime banks. Our associations with institutional and angel investors complete our funding facilities. We provide equity growth funding and trade finance solutions achieving superior funding terms and optimum potentials in project financing and in structured trade programs.
We do not charge any upfront fees, we do not need our clients to sign any upfront NCND agreements, we do not play any tricks. We work for a profit but our ethics are not for bargain. We conduct our business promptly, with integrity and in a manner consistent with the ethical standards and sound trading practices set by the ICC and by generally accepted international banking standards. Our dealings are transparent and with a strong commitment to honesty.
In equity growth funding:
We will consider funding only solid business plans of five (5) million euros minimum value characterized by a well-articulated growth potential coming from an experienced management team with successful track record in their industry in need of capital to facilitate organic growth, acquisitions, equipment purchases, bridge loans or other forms of business enhancement projects.
Established SMEs are our main investment focus. Funding opportunities are offered primarily for the following sectors:
Marine / shipping / maritime
Healthcare / medical
Energy (acquisition & development)
Logistics / Transportations & Warehousing
We can also consider business plans coming from Start-Up companies of the above sectors as long as strong evidence of business viability and growth potential is provided.
In order for us to consider any inquiry a detailed resume of the company owner(s) is required as well as a three-page summary of the project to include ROI / IRR information data. Please provide such information/documentation together with your initial inquiry, otherwise you are risking your inquiry beeing ignored.
KS Financial Ltd provides access to venture capital and/or angel investors and/or is the investing entity directly. We cannot guarantee that a project will be approved or receive the requested funding. We can only guarantee a prompt and transparent way of business with no upfront fees or any similar hustles.
In bank instrument monetization:
We provide bank instrument monetization services and facilities (Non-Recourse and/or Recourse Loans) against owned (received or about to be received) instruments solely for trade finance projects.
Please do not send us inquiries regarding leased or third-party instruments not involving any trade or business deal/contract, we cannot assist.
We deal with most bank instruments such as Bank Guarantees, Stand By letters of Credit, Bank Drafts, Medium Term Notes etc. If not bonds, fresh cut and fully cash backed instruments are preferred. We can consider seasoned and asset backed instruments depending on the needs of the requested project, the issuing bank, the face value of the instrument and the issuer.
Depending on the nature of the deal and the particulars of the instrument, the issuing bank and the issuer, and the current bank market situation, Loan To Value monetization percentage can be from 20% to 90%.
Before we send you our offer or proposal, we will require from you:
To be the funds/instrument owner/beneficiary.(Brokers, Agents and Intermediaries are welcome as long as they identify themselves as such. We do pay commission to agents). Complete CIS/KYC including color passport copy of the fund’s owner/account holder/ signatory/applicant, Color copy of the bank instrument, all pages, front and back side (if the instrument is issued in hard copy), Bank Comfirmation Letter, Proof Of Life picture and Authorization To Verify funds and/or bank instrument.
Please note that further documentation might be required from the applicant, depending on the nature of the required/proposed funding project.
If you feel like we deserve your time and interest, you can send us your inquiry using our form below.
K. S. Yacht Marine Instruments Limited is a licensed financier and fund management services provider, registered with the Cyprian Chamber of Commerce member of the ICC, under T.I.C. No. 12259728B.
K.S. Yacht Marine Instruments Limited is not a licensed US Securities Broker or Broker Dealer, nor anyone associated with K.S. Yacht Marine Instruments Limited is an informant associated with any government agency of the United States of America, or any other country. K.S. Yacht Marine Instruments Limited is not associated with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Banking Commission, or any agency whose purpose is to gather information regarding such information as appearing on this website.